Friday, August 19, 2011

homeless in america

The city council of Las Vegas, Nevada took down the town's typical facade this week, when they voted to make it illegal to feed homeless people in a park. No glitz, no neon, just the real heart of America's cruelest city laid open like a book.

Now I readily admit that I am no fan of Las Vegas, having survived five years in TV news there between '96 and '01 working for both the NBC affiliate and the FOX station. I think I could say that for the most part, I saw it all.

There just isn't a place that measures up to Vegas when it comes to certain things, like homeless people. The place is designed to create homeless people, and now the city is legislating the starvation of those who lose it all.

One of my favorite lines always was, "I came to Las Vegas in a thirty-thousand dollar car, and left in a hundred-thousand dollar bus."

Maybe all we have to do is consider the source and examine a little Las Vegas history. In the 1970's and 80's, when sin city was run exclusively by "the company," AKA the mob, the city council's fearless leader, mayor of Las Vegas, Oscar Goodman, was the attorney for Vegas mobsters "Tony" Spilotro and "Lefty" Rosenthal. He is now the subject of a book titled "Of Rats and Men" and it takes the flattery meter down a few notches.

Once when I was covering a fundraising event for Oscar Goodman's election, I was told not to interview a certain young man who was setting tables. "Don't interview the retard" was the exact phrase bumbled by this man who worked for Goodman. It turned out that the young man I wasn't supposed to interview, was the step-brother of Natalie Wood.

I hope those Las Vegas councilors can live with themselves, because you either would have to be conscience-free to make this kind of decision, or a person who never had one at all.

One of my unshakeable memories in Las Vegas goes back to a day when I was getting on the freeway on my motorcycle. Accelerating down the onramp, I looked over at the park off of Washington and saw a man with no arms just sitting there on the grass, sort of rocking. He didn't ask to end up like that, and I felt terrible for him, as I motored along my way with the other mindless Las Vegans.

Having spent years visiting homeless people in shelters in places like Vegas for news stories, I developed more of a sense for the system these folks live within. The St. Vincent de Paul way of doing things isn't bad for a person totally willing to give up their vices and adhere to a particular religion, but that is a tiny majority of homeless people.

The problem isn't very different here in Salem, Oregon, where several hundred homeless people live and exist. Those willing to follow "the program" at the mission are offered what they need to improve.

But if one out of three Americans suffers from mental illness, then isn't it logical to assume that most of these folks are the one out of three? Before Reagan, money existed to take care of people who were mentally and physically impaired. Now we kick them to the street, offer them nothing, and arrest people for feeding them. I can’t even believe I am writing about this.

Many are veterans. No wait, let me say that again, MANY ARE VETERANS! Vietnam did things to the healthy minds of young Americans that are unfathomable to all but the experts, those who served, and those who have tried to live with them in the wake of their combat service.

So I guess the Las Vegas, Nevada city council is anti-veteran too? That’s what it amounts to. They ought to have fun, because there are going to be so many scarred and psychologically damaged veterans from the current war for them to pick on in the future.

You really have to be there to appreciate the absurdity of the place. The school board for example, pushes the 'abstinence only' agenda like old Ralph Reed himself, while the city maintains the highest teen pregnancy rate known to man. I used to speculate that they only denied kids sex education to ensure a cocktail waitress and stripper workforce for years to come.

According to wire reports, the law defines a homeless person as an indigent "whom a reasonable ordinary person would believe to be entitled to apply for or receive assistance."

American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada lawyer Allen Lichtenstein has been with the ACLU in Las Vegas for years and believe me, his battles are uphill all the way. Lichtenstein says the language makes the Las Vegas law unenforceable, "The ordinance is clearly unconstitutional and nonsensical," he said. "How are you going to know without a financial statement who's poor and who's not poor?"

"It means they can discriminate based on the way people look," Lichtenstein said.

So now, as the homeless and landlocked ranks of "Lost Wages" cook in the stifling heat, they’ll have to keep a watchful eye over their shoulder if someone attempts to practice a random act of kindness by feeding them. I hope people there laugh at the law and take every opportunity to demonstrate that these types of governmental errors aren't right in this country, or anyplace for that matter, and they won't be followed.

Back to that Germany in the 30's thing I always talk about again…

The worst thing though, is that I always thought Stephen King had it all wrong with The Stand, with the way things are stacking up right now, I think he nailed it.

I would be willing to bet that the numbers in the homeless population won't dwindle over this law that doesn't just make feeding hungry people illegal; it demoralizes us as a society to know that our fellow humans could ever aspire to such levels of legislated mistreatment.

I know plenty of people are not sympathetic toward the homeless, but I'll bet that even they would agree that this is a sad day in history

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Accounting at Home Depot

Home Depot LogoYeah maybe try working harder.

This economy has beat down some big companies. You’d think that if you’re going to delay buying a home, you might fix up the roof, re-do the floors, maybe get a new deck instead?

Apparently, no. There’ll be none of that.

Home Depot announced Tuesday that they took a major ass-kicking and reported a net loss of $54 million dollars. Home Depot’s real telling sign of a poor economy is that they had 10% less customer transactions than last year.

It means your Uncle Tom isn’t buying all that lumber anymore. And me? Well, honestly. I’ll go into a Home Depot to buy a hammer and a nail to hang a painting, they’ll send me to aisle 39 and I’ll get completely lost. Then I leave pretending I don’t need the stuff anymore because I don’t want to admit I don’t know what type of nail to buy. 1 1/4″? 3/4″? 5/7″?

There’s seven thousand different nails. Seven thousand. Just make one. Call it the Picture-Hanging Nail. Is that so hard?

Home Depot, Inc. announced a key change in accounting principals in its third quarter filing with the SEC. After adopting a new enterprise resource planning system, otherwise known in the wholesale-retail world as an “ERP” system, Home Depot is now keeping track of inventory values in its Canada retail operations using a weighted-average cost method. Previously Canada inventory values had been determined using a method based on when the items were bought called “first-in, first-out.”

For some shareholders inventory accounting changes raise red flags as such moves suggest the company is trying to manage its balance sheet values or profit margins. If price changes are nominal, inventory accounting methods typically render the same balance sheet values and profit levels. That is, First-in, First-out (FIFO) yields the same results as “Last-in, Last-Out” (LIFO) as the prices are basically the same. However, when prices are rising fast, LIFO leads to falling inventory values on the balance sheet as the older, lower priced items remain on the balance sheet. If the company is unable to pass along rising wholesale or materials prices to their customers, margins also fall. Ergo, A change to FIFO is tempting.

Apparently, Home Depot management expects the change to a weighted-average cost (WAC) to provide a better match of the cost of sales with the revenue generated. The more sophisticated calculation is made possible by the new ERP system. As it turns out, the new accounting method produced an inventory value very near what would have been reported had Home Depot Canada stuck with the old FIFO method.

Home Deport operates about 165 stores in Canada. Management indicates the Canada operation is profitable and same-store sales are positive, but the company does not disclose sales by geography. Total merchandize inventory was $11.9 billion at the end of the fiscal third quarter 2008 compared to $11.7 billion a year-ago. However, as Home Depot’s sales in 2008 are off approximately 4% from 2007, going forward the 1.7% increase in total inventory could be a source of concern — should sales continue to fall.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

City Changes Homeless

Dripping with egotistical irony, this Giovanni+Draftfcb Rio de Janeiro-created campaign for the Creative Club of Rio de Janeiro rips on the nation's apparent obsession with the use of homeless and disabled people in advertising seemingly to achieve creative brilliance and win awards at their expense.

With headlines, "I helped a copywriter become a creative director", "I've made a creative team win a lion at Cannes" and "Thanks to us. An art director had his salary doubled," pulls no punches while, at the same time, does the very thing it's trying to stop.

The copy reads, "Homeless and disabled people are helping many advertising professionals achieve success. Not mentioning the ones wounded in wars and the ones infected with AIDS, who are always giving a helping hand. But, isn't it the other way around? Next time you have a brilliant idea for a starving nation, war refugees or AIDS victims ad, remember to ask yourself this: brilliant for whom?


Thomas Valerio, one of San Francisco's estimated 6,248 homeless people, walks along Ellis Street with his shopping cart. Chronicle photo by John Storey

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Style Home Décor

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The clean lines and the warm color maximize the available
space and give the room a loft-like feel.
decorating a vintage style bedroom

When you’re choosing an interior designer whose style is French style home décor, your first decision is how authentic your want the décor to be. Some want every detail picture-perfect; while others want a hint of French in the fabrics, furniture or accessories.

Whether your idea of French style is formal or country, part of the fun is knowing where to shop and how to get the most style for your dollar. If you’re interested in antiques, then your best buy will be at auction; if style is more important than provenance, you’ll have a world of choices. My only suggestion: instead of being slavish, adapt French style to your style.

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